Terms of Use
All content made available on this blog is for informational purposes only and you are reading it at your own discretion and of
your own free will. Please note that I will not be held responsible for any errors in any information on this blog and will also not be responsible for any damages or losses arising in connection with the use of this website.
Copyright Policy
Unless otherwise stated, do note that I (Claire) am the legal copyright holder of all materials on this blog (including all written work, drawings, paintings and photographs). All materials on this blog cannot be reprint, reproduced or published without my written consent.
Hold Harmless
I am writing and sharing my experiences as a form of expression. Hence, all the information provided on this blog is for entertainment
purposes only and I am in no way trying to provide any medical, legal or other professional advice.
Privacy Statement
I respect the privacy of my readers and will not sell any of your personal or contact information to another company. I will also
not put your information on any spam lists. Please also note that as much as I want to protect your privacy, I will not be held responsible for the privacy practices of any of my advertisers or other blog commenters.
Reserve Rights
I reserve the rights to make amendments to my blog (such as changing the focus or contents of the blog, shutting it down, selling it or changing the terms of use) at my own discretion. Recommendations and opinions are subjected to changes without prior notice.
Advertisers and Sponsors
I will not be responsible for the actions of my advertisers or sponsors (if any). For cases when my readers purchase any product
or services based upon a link from my blog, they must take action with that exact company to resolve any issues, and not with me.
Letters to the Editor
I would love to hear from you! If you do contact me via letter, email, or tweets, I will keep your identity confidential.
However, if I feel that you have made a very excellent point in your correspondence, I may use it as a mention in my future blog post without revealing your identity. If you have any comments, questions or any other matter
regarding this blog, you can always email me at dream2travel8@gmail.com.